I corrected JP, now I have to correct myself!

boysfishingboatGB DW (daily Workout)

10+ min Walk , Jog, and or Run


3 Minute Jog,   then                        10 x 100 yd sprints w/ 45 seconds rest between sprints

The boys are on Spring Break this week so yesterday we went fishing with “Paw”.  Riding in boat was half the fun.  We stayed out for about 1.5 hours and considering that the fish were not biting much, the boys did very good.  Joshua Paul said a couple of times something to the extent “I never catch any fish” and or “I am not good at “fishing”.  I corrected him right then but also later that night when we were saying our prayers and telling stories (the boys love for me to tell them stories from when I was a “little boy”) I spent a little more time correcting him.  I just told him as I always do when I hear that type of “negativity”.  I basically told him that first and foremost we don’t speak that way because God did not make us that way.  And I talked to him about how our Words are Powerful and we have to make sure our Words are lining up with what we want and Expect to see vs what we meet be seeing in the present or what we have experienced in the past.  Basically we dont let our emotions control us, and we use and choose our Words carefully and precisely.  Now of course I did all this out of Love and in an encouraging way. 

Man this is powerful.  And I know I have to remind myself of this many times over.  Our mouth is such a powerful tool that God has given us.  And we are using it everyday.  Lets me and you do a better job at making sure we are using this Tool the way God intended for us to use it.  Speak LIFE.  Speak Success.  Speak Health.  Speak Peace.  Speak JOY.  Speak THANKFULNESS.  Speak in a way that you ‘believe that your Words are truly as powerful as God says they are: THERE IS LIFE AND DEATH IN THE POWER OF “YOUR” TONGUE! 

Let me end this by sharing something one of my great friends told me that God Spoke to him: Dont just SAY it because you Believe it.  Believe it because you SAY it!  Now chew on that a while.


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