dboreoGB DW (daily workout)

20 each – squats, pushups, situps

10 min max number reps “ascending” of pushups, situps :  Perform 1 pushup then 1 situp.  then do 2 pushups and 2 situps.  keep going “up” for the max number of reps you can do in 10 minutes

You may remember this pic that I have posted before of David Ben chomping on an Oreo!  This was actually from the beach 2 years ago.  I am posting this picture since it has something to do with NUTRITION and I thought it would for sure get your attention.  And I of course love showing off my good looking little buddies!  Anyway, I wanted to set the scene for a Big Announcement we have for you.  If you remember sometime around the first of the year I told you we were going to introduce a new NUTRITION program here at God-Built and possibly a WEIGHT LOSS program for you.   Well I know it is half way through the year, but here you go:

GOD-BUILT WILL OFFER OUR NEW NUTRITION AND WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM IN SEPTEMBER 2014.  I honestly dont know all the details yet but I know it is going to be a very good thing.  The main thing is I just wanted to get it out in front of you and get you planning ahead to take part.  We will offer several ways for you to be able to take advantage of it: 1 on 1 Personal Training; Group Nutrition / Weight Loss Workshops; and Online. 

I am excited about this and I believe this is going to be a very good program for any and all who will choose to take part and commit to it.  So go ahead and get geared up and be looking forward to this.  As we find out and decide more details I will keep you updated.  Ye Baby!


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