dinner14GB DW (daily workout)

20 x squats, pushups, situps

100 Jumpin Jacks

50r, 50l Pushup Row

Here is a pic of my dinner last night.  I had a huge pack of chicken tenders that I cooked on the grill.  I added a fresh tomatoe, and homemade squash relish to the mix.  It was very good! 

I cooked all the chicken tenders at the same time because I knew they would be good leftovers for a quick and easy lunch option.  So for lunch today I had pretty much the same as last night: Grilled Chicken tenders, fresh tomatoe sliced up.  It was delicious again and pretty nutritious. 

Remember as we have discussed several times over the last little bit, finding a way to make your meals Simple, Easy, and pretty quick is a big KEY to being Consistent with good Nutritional habits.  And that is why I am a big supporter of LEFTOVERS!  I know some do not like leftovers but it sure makes life a whole lot easier when you are striving to do good with your Eating habits. 

Keep it Simple.  Find a way that makes it “Easier” for you.  Keep higher quality foods on hand.  And If you need to “CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK REGARDING FOOD”!  Here are some “Thoughts” you should think regarding food:

I do not live to eat, I eat to live. 

Food does not control  me, I control food.

Eating better is not a burden.  It is pretty simple.

I can eat “better” and eat “good tasting” food all at the same time.

I do not choose foods based totally on Taste.  I first choose based on quality, then on taste.



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