Take Time. Be Efficient. It Pays Off!

wout37GB DW

10 Squats, 10 Pushups, 10 Leg Tucks

Max Burpees n 3 / 5 minutes

This is a pic of 3 GB athletes doing some Olympic Lifting Mechanics drills.  We call our warm up time “Technique” or “Mechanics” time.  Basically we utilize our time as wisely as we can so we can “kill 2, or more, birds with one stone”.

You know we all spend our time doing something.  And for some reason, everything seems to move so fast today.  We seem to be so busy.  Sometimes we can change that, sometimes we can not do a whole lot about it.  Either way, we can “Make Time” for the things we need to make time for.  You may not think you have time to Exercise or Eat Right, but I guarantee you do.  I am not saying you have to take much time at all, but it is important to take some time each day to focus on taking control of your health.  There are many parts to this equation, but just for the part of Exercise and Nutrition, it does not take much time, particularly if you are EFFECIENT with your time spent.

Take time over the next few days to Exercise for 4-5 minutes each day.  Take a little extra time to bring healthy snacks to work.  Wake up 15 minutes early in order to get that quick 7-8 minute workout in.  All in all, you can, and I can, make time to take care of our bodies.  Realize it does not have to be a burden.  It is a Responsibility, and we have the Power inside us already to WIN!!


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