Use this tool that we believe God helped us to develop!

wout66GB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 8

3-5 rds:

DB Swing x 13, I arm alt. Snatch x 13r, 13l, Leg Tuck x 13

Check out some of our youth GB Athletes doing some 1 LEG POWER HOPS.  As you have probably heard me talk about before, I love having our athletes do “1 Leg” drills as it helps to build great power, balance, stability, and athletic movement.

I have a great friend of mine that works out with us here at God-Built and used The 40 Day Health & Life Workbook as a tool to help take control of his health back around the first of the year.  He lost a good bit of weight / bodyfat, and I have noticed that he has done a great job of keeping it off.  The workbook he used is the same one we have recommended here on for a while now.  You can download it for FREE off of the homepage.  There is a link on the left side of the page.  It is not magic.  It is not a quick fix.  It is not the latest and greatest.  At the same time though, yes it can help you a whole lot in kickstarting your “health” plan.  It can help you to get some pretty quick results.  And it is packed full of helpful information that you can use for a lifetime!  We believe it is a tool that God Himself helped us to come up with, and by you taking it, and CONSISTENTLY applying the principles you choose, you too can get great results. 


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