God’s Best is always in THE plan for you and me!

waterjamGB DW (daily workout)

Movement Stretches x 7

21, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 10, 9,…1  Squats, Pushups, Situps

Do 21 squats, 21 pushups, 21 situps.  Then 19 of each.  Then 17 of each.  And so on until you finish with 1 rep of each.  *You can start at any number you choose if you need to make it shorter.

Check out David Ben doing the “superman” off the slide at a friend’s house.  A great friend of mine had his official “Water Jam” party at his house and the boys had a great time.  He had water spraying & coming off the top of the slide and of course a lot of water spraying there at the end of the slide to make for a Slippery and long slide!!  Great home made rig there DM!  Good stuff.

Speaking of my friend who hosted the great “Water Jam 2015”, I have been super blessed with some great friends.  And I am not talking about just “aquaintances”.  I am talking about TRUE friends who I know for sure would be there for me anytime I needed them.  And for that I am very Thankful! 

This particular “great friend” that hosted the Water Jam is a result of another great friend that I met in 1997.  God led me to take a job in 1997, and I actually only worked there for 6 months.  I fully believe that God set me there, and in 6 months had me to leave to go out and start my own Personal Training company.  Now at the time I didnt quite understand why God would lead me to start this particular job, then quit in 6 months.  Well over time I began to understand.  There are several reasons, and one of the biggest reasons is the relationships I built from being in that “right” place during that time of my life.  I developed a strong friendship with someone, and from that I have several other strong friendships.  If I had not taken that job, and met my good buddy s.h., it is likely I never would have developed the close bond with 3 of my other best friends in the world.  

Having a great friend, or friends, is such a blessing.  “We can not even begin to think or imagine how much Good GOD has for us!  And when He is leading us somewhere, we need to remember that even though we may not understand all the reasons why, just step out on faith and Expect!!  God is always working for you, and for me.  HE is always working to get us HIS best.  HIS best is full of life, not death.  His Best is not defeat, not disease, not poor health, not depression, not fear, not condemnation, not worry, not debt, and not stress.  His Best is just like JESUS said: “I came to give life and life in Abundance”.  NUff Said.



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