High Quality, Low SUGAR Nutrition BARS! Taste Great!

nutritionbars2GB DW (daily workout)

11 x Squats, Pushups, Leg Tucks

2 Min Max Reps HandsOff Pushup, 1 Min Rest, 2 Min Max Reps Scissors (jumping lunges) / walkn lunges

I am reposting this pic of some of my “new” favorite Nutrition Bars.  These are KIND bars and only have 5 grams of sugar!  If you are working on improving your health and focusing on losing bodyfat then “watching your sugar intake” is a big key. 

As I have said many times, I believe Nutrition Bars can play a very big role in helping anyone to take control of their diet, and therefore their health.  No, Nutrition Bars can not take the place of good whole foods.  Yes, Nutrition Bars can be a good thing to use to help make things easier and more convenient though.  And here is another truth about the whole situation: a good quality Nutrition Bar, like the KIND bar in the pic, is going to provide way better Nutrition quality than what many people would otherwise eat!  So yes you absolutely can use Nutrition Bars to help take control of your health, and your life.

Here are some of our general GB recommendations concerning Nutrition Bars:

Find a “High Quality” bar– most “nutrition” bars are actually pretty poor quality.  They may have a good looking “calorie” profile, but when you look at the ingredients you usually see a whole lot of “non healthy” stuff!

Find a “Good Tasting” bar– once you find the brand/s you trust as far as quality, then pic the flavors you most like. 

Keep a stock pile on hand– this is a biggie.  Just like with other high quality foods, it is important that they be easy for you to get your hands on.  So keep your bars in stock at home, in the car, at the office, etc.


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