“Floating the River”: Reward is greater than cost

Friends and neighbors







This is a great pic from a River trip (same trip with “back flip” pics) that me and some friends went on.  If you have never been “floating” down the river in a canoe, then I highly recommend it.  It is a blast.  ANd it is just like any other thing in life that is worth doing:  It takes time and effort.  But it is oh so worth it.  See, the REWARD is so much of a pay off that it makes the time and effort oh so worth it.  so is the same with your health.  To improve your health will take time and effort, but the REWARD is oh so worth it.  When you consistently do the correct things IN FAITH, then there is a huge REWARD that WILL come.

I can tell you, and others can tell you this.  You will have to literally tell and Convince yourself that the REWARD is worth the upfront price.  If there is any Doubt that you will be rewarded and or that the Reward will be worth it, then you will likely never start doing the needed actions and or you will only do them for a short while.  You must have FAITH in order to continue your Works long enough in order to get the desired RESULTS.  You know.  You do it!


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