Basics again: Spirit, Soul, then Body

This is a great pic of the boys at the beach.  Oh how sweet they are.  And yes they love each other all the time, they just dont exactly show it this way all the time. 

I had the opportunity Sunday to speak at a church in Oxford, Al. about health and life improvement.  We talked of course about Nutrition and Exercise.  The main thing I discussed was not about Exercise and Nutrition.  And of course you probably have heard this from me many times over, but as always the basic truths are the most powerful and the ones that should be the most real to us.  I discussed how each of us is a 3 part being: Spirit, Soul, and Body.  In our health if we want to make improvements it is most common that most only focus on making changes with the Body: Exercise and Nutrition.  while yes these 2 are vital, they are not the most important.  Most are only making “external” changes, and if along the way there are not true “internal” changes with the person, then the external changes will usually become a burden or bondage.  If any of us are going to take control of our health and lives, we must understand that we have to focus on the Spirit and Soul part of self.  When our heart, spirit, is right then this establishes a foundation to build on.  How do you get your heart right?  Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is your first step, then realizing that In Him and thru Him you have NO CONDEMNATION.  Condemnation is a literal killer.  It brings fear which brings stress, worry.  So you have to realize that you are no longer condemned and you have to keep from condemning yourself.  Here lies what scripture tells us to: Renew your mind with the Word of God.  You have to focus on, think on, and speak who you are In Christ.  This gets your soul (Mind, Will, Emotions) lined up with Who you literally are now In Christ.  ANd yes this has to be done continually.  Famous minister once said that your mind stays “renewed” about as long as your hair stays combed.  So you establish and realize in your spirit or heart that you are no longer under condemnation.  You “renew” your mind and take control of your mind will and emotions with God’s Word that tells you who you are In Christ, and then you apply the simple exercise and nutrition principles.  This is a very summed up version here but i expect you get the picture.  Exercise and Nutrition are very important but they are secondary to realizing who you are in Spirit, choosing to Renew your Soul(mind will emotions) daily and then choosing to apply simple exercise and nutrition principles.



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