Spirit Soul Body. 6 young men learned it, me and you too!

campfirejackCheck out this cool “campfire” pic.  That is Jack, one of our awesome trainers, with the headlight on, and that is his wife Jen (also our newest awesome trainer) standing beside him.  We, myself and my parents in law, host a Christian camp for young men ages 16-21 called Zoe Bootcamp.  Jack and Jen came to the camp Saturday night to share with the boys.  The whole weekend was awesome and the boys lives are changed drastically from God’s Word. 

At Zoe Bootcamp we challenge them to understand basically who they Are In Christ and how much God loves them.  Then we teach them that God gave them their mind, will, and emotions and they have the authority and responsiblity to control these and use them to steer their bodies and their lives in the right direction.  One of the challenges we do is what we call the “Spirit, Soul, Body” challenge.  Basically we teach them through a very tough mental and physicalworkout how to use their Strong mind that God gave them in order to accomplish a goal / task.

As you most likely already know, this is exactly what we teach here at God-Built.  We believe that for you to walk in God’s best in your health, you must understand that He loves you unconditionally.  You must understand that HE gave you your mind will and emotions and His intent is for you to control them and to not let them control you!  You also must understand that this you were designed to control your body and health, and to not let them control you.  As you understand more about HIS Love for you and who you are IN CHRIST because of His love for you, you then begin to put into action the power of controlling your mind will and emotions to produce great health and life that God has already given you!  And like we explained to these boys, no one ever said it was easy, but it is worth it!! 

We all are going to spend time and effort doing something.  We all are going to believe something.  We all are going to think THOUGHTS and speak WORDS everyday.  We might as well make sure we spend our time and effort wisely:Understanding His Love for us more ad mor: Knowing more of Who we Are In Christ Jesus; Choosing to control our mind will and emotions mostly by RENEWING our Mind to God’s Best for us (HIS WORD!); Choosing to Speak and Think the correct things; Choosing to Expect and to NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!


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