#1 Be Active. And if you want faster results……

wout7GB DW (daily workout)

5/7/9 rounds for Best Time:

10r, 10l Superman (pushup position or hands and knees), 10r, 10l Xcrunch

Here are some of our wonderful and “Super Fit” ladies during a workout this week.  They are all doing some SDLHP, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls!  SDLHPs are a great Exercise that literally works the whole body and that means they are very EFFECIENT.  Remember, when working out the main thing is that you “do Something”!  And while you are doing something and you do want to make your time more EFFECIENT, choose exercises that work the whole body and demand a lot more for the time spent.  This in most cases will render better Results!  Take a look at this short list of some of these “More Effecient” exercises you can do: 

Olympic Lifts (barbells or dumbbells) – Power Clean, Clean Squat, Clean & Press, Clean Squat & Press, Snatch, 1 Arm Snatch

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, Squat Press, Overhead Squats, Front Squats

Lunges – Overhead Lunge, Lunge and Press, Lunge and Rotate

BURPEES – you know I had to throw that one in!

Sprints – this means running at a fast pace “for you”

And of course there are others.  Remember the more “complex” exercises are like some of these, make sure to learn how to do them correctly.  And again, it you choose to never do any of these exercises, then so what?!  As long as you are choosing to MOVE!  Find a way to Be Active Today!  Then choose to be Active again tomorrow! 


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