Some “high energy” kids @ God-Built

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I have a whole bunch of high energy kids in here at God-Built right now.  They are getting ready for our Game Shape program to start in a few minutes.  Man they are a pure joy to have over here.  And again, they are HIGH ENERGY.  It is amazing to watch these kids and how much energy they do have.  They are here for 20-30 minutes before our Game Shape program actually starts.  And the whole time they are here they are wide open running playing and hollering.  Then they start our Game Shape which is 45 minutes of high intesity sports performance work.  One thing I know is that they are just like us adults, they get very tired.  The main difference is they choose to keep going.  They may take a few minute break, but they are so excited about playing they dont let their “tired” stop them from continuing.  And again it is amazing to me how they seemingly have no energy left, then all of a sudden there it comes again.  It makes you realize that the old saying is very true: Energy breeds energy.  And us adults all need to take some pointers here.  If you wait until you “feel like” exercising then you probably will be waiting a long time.  ANd if you wait until you have the energy, you will be waiting a long time.  In order to get the energy, most of the time you will have to start expending energy.  Then this will create more energy, which is where the old saying comes from: Energy breeds energy. 

So GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!!  ANd take a lesson from these kids. 


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