You mean there is a “button” for that. – Quit option

Friends and neighbors

Me and some friends were talking this morning about some movies.  The movies we were talking about had one common theme: NEVER EVER QUIT.  The main characters in the movies saw some serious and very extreme adversity, but they CHOSE to never give up.  Quit was not in there vocabulary.

That is the exact way you have to be in life.  Look I realize that you face adversity, and you will always face adversity in your life.  ANd yes sometimes it may seem unbearable.  Quitting is the easy option, and it will usually cause some of the adversity to temporarily leave.  Guess what though?  I believe that looking back on a situation where you quit will bring worse pain, knowing that you could have kept going until you experienced victory.  ANd yes I understand that we all have went through those times where we did all we could do and seemingly lost the battle.  As long as you didnt quit, then you didnt really lose. 

ONe of my friends quoted a minister as saying: “Remove the quit option.”  Now that is a great way to put it.  Basically you have to make the quit option a non option.  And one thing i have found out is that if you dont “remove the quit option” upfront, then you are setting yourself up for failure. 

Never quit.  Always find a way to walk, live, and operate in faith.  Rely on the faith that He has given you.  It is already there, you just have to access it.  God has given you the ability to overcome in every situation.  He has given you the ability to “REMOVE THE QUIT OPTION.”  So get on it dog’on it.


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