You can succeed in every area + some

Friends and neighbors

You and I have been gifted by God to prosper in our health and life.  We have been given the authority and responsibility to take control of our health and life.  Some people are going to take God’s simple principles and apply them and benefit from it.  And there are some people who are going to take those same basic principles and apply them at a fast, intense, and high volume rate, and for that they are going to recieve more benefits in that area/s of life. 

It does not matter if you want to be in very good general health or if you decide you want to be good overall health plus be extremely musclular or defined and or an endurance athlete.  Either way it is your choice, and God has given you the ability plus basic principles to do it.  You just decide that you can and will walk in very good overall health and start taking action.  Then if you decide you want to go even more, then go for it.  The main thing is though that in every area of our lives we should strive for control and excellence because that is His best for us.  We should expect to be able to excel in all areas and then use that faith as we do the “works.”  And again along the way if you decide you want to be not only a healthy person but also a competitive athlete, or not only financially fit but a multi-millionaire, or not only a very productive employee but a boss or manager, then go for it as God leads you.


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