Knowing who you are will determine how you live!

Friends and neighbors

I am realizing more and more that serving God is all about love.  It is all about realizing how much He loves me and how much of a Good Daddy He is.  It is not about having to follow a bunch of laws because I am scared of what He might do to me but more about serving Him because of that love, and doing it because I know that I am a literal SON of God.  The further I go the more I realize that if I base my “walk” with God on fear and or law, then I am setting myself up for failure.  I sure have not fully arrived yet, but I am getting closer, and I am understanding more of what my actual IDENTITY is.  Who I am in Christ is the key for me and growing.  And guess what the more I understand just who I am, the more “good” I want to do and the more I want to do the right things.

This is exactly the same with health.  Many people “do the right things” in health because the think they “have to.”  And while yes it is true that if you dont do the ‘right things” pertaining to your health, you risk making your body sick with disease, lack of ability, and just overall poor health.  But one thing for sure that I have seen over and over is when people put themselves under “the law” and try to make themselves do the right things over and over then eventually they end up quitting doing the right things and go back to the “bad” things that they were trying so hard to not do.  Part of the problem is they are trying to “make themselves” follow a bunch of law and that law brings bondage.  Another part, which leads to the previous, is that they dont “see” themselves as having already conquered the issue.  The are “hoping” they can conquer it, but they dont have the proper IDENTITY.

Make sure you understand who you are IN CHRIST, and what He has empowered you with.  Yes you will usually have to give yourself some kind of guidelines to follow when working on improvement, but be careful about putting yourself under the law.


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