Need your help, Please Respond!!

Friends and neighbors

I was inspired to start my daily emails sometime ago.  then last year when we created a new website I start posting several times per week and adding it together with the emails.  My goals from the beginning were simply to: inform all God-Built clients of any updates; give great Exercise info; give great Nutrition info; and to inspire with Godly health and life principles . 

I have gotten great response and feedback over the years since starting this.  What I want to know from you is what topics or interest do you like the most that I cover?  What do you get the most out of and what would you maybe like to see more of?  So please respond to me with your input.  I want to make this the best place for you to come for daily information, motivation, and inspiration.  And I need your help to do that.  Thanks for being a part of Team God-Built and for helping.


2 responses to “Need your help, Please Respond!!”

  1. I am encouraged by your reminding us of how GOD loves and cares about us.

    What HE means to all of us !!!

    Thanks for all your encouragements.

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