The SANDBOX Building Plan for Life

I was looking through some pics last nite since I have gotten much response that yall love pics.  I found this one of me and the boys building a Sandbox.  I think it is great for many reasons.  One of which is just the pure “anticipation” they show, waiting to get in that sandbox and help with their shovels. 

This also got me to thinking about “projects” or goals in our lives.  First we have to know what it is we want.  Then we have to find a plan.  Now lets talk about this for a minute.  I do agree you need to find a good plan, but dont spend a whole lot of time looking for the “perfect” plan.  You will end up never doing anything.  Find a good plan and be willing “To Make It Work“.  Next you have to put ACTION to that plan.  As with our Sandbox, we actually went out and got Prepared by buying the right supplies, and we picked out our Start Date

We got started.  Now here is one of the biggees.  As you can see in the pic, the boys were there helping me and they had a big time.  And that is what you need to do also with a health improvement plan.  GET OTHERS INVOLVED.  And remember, ENJOY TO PROJECT!!  Remember that once you reach your Desired Result, you probably will have another “project” or goal.  If you dont enjoy the journey, you most likely arent enjoying LIFE.  Most of your life is made up of the journey.  Use this SANDBOX BUILDING project as a guide for your health and life improvement goals!


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