Your Words will produce your life

Here is a pic you may have seen before of me, Mamma, and my brother.  This pic reminded me of something me and some friends were talking about this morning: Consistency with our words.  And Mamma is one of the best people I know when it comes to being consistent.  She has always, consistently, been loving, caring, and a GIVER, and always with kind and uplifting words to share.

To be CONSISTENT with our WORDS is extremely important.  Our Words can and will literally direct our lives.  Here are 2 truths: Whatever is really in your heart will come out of your mouth; If you want to change s0mething that is in your heart such as doubt, fear, etc, then you are going to have to first change your WORDS.  The WORD says that our tongue is our “pen” and we can use it to write on the ‘TABLET” OF OUR HEARTS.  So you can literally use your words to change what you believe, think, act, etc.  Words are so critical for your success in improving your health and your life.  And it really does not matter if someone believes that or not, it is still truth and it works both ways.

If you want to change and improve your health and life you are going to have to change your words.  make sure you so what God says about you.  He doesnt say you are a failure, He says you are a success In Christ.  He doesnt say you are a victim, He says you are a VICTOR, in Christ.  He doesnt say you are sick, He says you are HEALED.  He doesnt say you might succeed, He says that you are already more than a Conqueror, in Christ.  The problem many times is that we go by how things “look” and or how we “feel.”  Well the Word of God, Truth, is not based on how things look or how we feel.  And so must our lives be led, by the Truth, The Word of God, what He says we have and Who we are In Jesus Christ.  You have to choose to believe it, recieve it (Take it), then use your Words ON PURPOSE to say what He says and then do what He does.


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