Just like our best plans: It sounds good in the beginning

Ok, now here is a great “lunch idea” for you.  Joshua Paul decided he wanted to make his own special sandwich of his favorite things, so I let him.  ANd of course he said he would definitely eat it all.  Here is what it consisted of in case you may want to make your own: 1 slice whole wheat bread, peanut butter, strawberry jelly, homemade plum jelly, slice cheese, pickles.  He took 2 bites and decided it was not as good as he imagined, but you may love it.

This makes me think of what happens to us many times in our pursuits of improving our health and life.  In the beginning it all sounds good.  Our emotions are high on the positive end.  Just like JP, he was excited about that sandwich that he thought was going to taste great, and to him it should since all those individual ingredients are ones he loves.  But when he put them all together and started to eat it, it wasnt all that he hoped it would be.  It is the same with us.  We know it mite be tuff but we are excited and ready.  After all it is just doing a few of the things we know are good for us.  Then we get going and it happens: Reality sets in.  It is very tuff and it is not getting easier.  It has been a whole 3 or 4 days and we havent seen any results yet.  So we choose to forget that we know the things we are doing are needed and great for us.  We know they will produce results but we choose to focus on the immediate “feelings” and what we are seeing or “not” seeing. 

Thru the awesome ONE, Jesus Christ, you literally can overcome anything in your life.  It is the Good Lord’s design and Purpose for you to Win / Overcome / Conquer / Prosper in your health and life.  ANd the great news is thru His Son Jesus Christ you have already been empowered to do so.  Everything you need to Win, etc is already in you and available.  You just have to access it.  How do you access it?  You believe it, you Recieve it, and you ACT on it.  “Faith without Works is dead.”  Your Faith or lack of will be proven by your actions.  If there is something you truly want and you truly believe it is yours then you will act on it.  No matter what you say, if you are not ACTing on it, then somewhere somehow you have Doubt in your heart or head, or both.  And hey I am guilty of this too sometimes.  I have to get serious with myself sometimes and ask myself “KJ, if you truly believe that you can succeed in that area of life, and your desire is to succeed, then why are you not doing the things you know you must do in order to succeed.”  And again most of the time if not all of the time it comes down to some doubt somewhere inside.  Like the old saying “CHECK YOURSELF.”  I am checking myself, so you do the same!  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!


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