Who are You Counting on?

Cool pic of me and DB getting ready for some gocart racing at the beach this summer.

The question I have for you is:  Who are You Counting on?  That is a very important question for all of us.  It is great when we get encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and help from others.  ANd yes I believe that we are all supposed to help each other anyway that we can and are led to.  One problem though that I have seen in my years of coaching people to take control of their health and life is that they are “counting” on someone else to help them, and encourage them.  Let me just go ahead and let you in on something: If you count on someone else for your success then you will not succeed, at least consistently. 

Your success will be completely dependant upon you, and noone else.  Yes of course your success is completely and only because HE has put inside of you the ability to succeed, but beyond that, you will be the main determining factor for your success in your health and life.  ANd that truth is not meant to put you into bondage or fear of any kind.  The exact opposite is what that truth should bring.  See you do not and should not depend on anyone else for your success and that in and of itself can be freedom.  Yes others most likely will help you along the way, but it is usual only as you make the decision up front that you are going to take what HE has put inside of you and put it to work.  Then others just add to the mix.  It is just like a marriage.  many people fail at marriages simply because they expect their spouse to make them happy.  Your spouse can not make you happy, just like my wife cant make me happy.  You and I have to decide to be happy people, then our spouses, and or others, can only add to it. 

So make sure you dont COUNT ON OTHERS for your success.  Yes others can help, but if you are waiting on someone else to make it happen for you then you most likely will be waiting for a very very long time.  You choose up front that you are going to be successful in your health and life endeavors, then choose to put to work what God has already put inside of you.  And along the way if others help, then great.  **Another important fact to remember is that along your journey, reach out and help others.  God says plainly that “Whatever you do for others, HE will do for you.”  It is your job to do what He says to do in His Word.  It is not your job to sit around and wait on others.  It is up to them what they do.


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