You will pay the price somewhere. Cheaper to pay upfront!

This is a great pic of a trip me and 2 of my good buddies went on.  We took 3 young men, graduating seniors, on this trip with us.  I was thinking about this “holiday” weekend and this pic just seemed to fit!

This trip is from a couple of years ago and some of you may remember this as I talked about it in a former post/email.  This trip, as with all the canoeing / camping trips I have taken, was a blast and produced life long memories for the young men and the rest of us.  One important thing I have learned in life is that most times it takes “hard work” to have fun and create great memories.  many times this “hard work” is just mental though.  It’s just “getting off your butt” and being willing to do something.  Of course the body wants to rest, and yes sometimes that is important to just be lazy.  But most of the time we need to mentally make the adjustment to make the effort, then the body just has to line up.  And I believe you would agree with me that we are always glad “we did it.”

So it is with most all life.  It takes effort to walk in great health.  It takes constant effort to be in control of your finances.  It takes continued and purposed effort to have a great marriage.  And the results produced far outway the cost of making it happen.  So remind yourself of that this weekend, and here forward.  Like the saying “Pay the price up front and you will reap the rewards.”  If you are not willing to pay the price up front, you will just end up paying later, and later many times = a greater price you have to pay!


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