Nutrition: Utilize the Resources! Lost 20+lbs already

Here is a great pic of me and the boys with my brother and his son down in Garfield.  It’s a pretty big tractor.  I remember that day DB rode with me and we pulled some cotton stalks.  It was so quiet and cool in the cab of that big green monster that he fell asleep.  Good stuff.

I was talking to one of our clients this morning and he was telling me that he is using and has lost 20+ lbs since July.  Also his wife is using weight watchers and has lost a bunch of weight too since June.  Weight watchers seems to be a very good program that works very well for some.  So I definitely recommend it.  Also, My Fitness Pal is a great resource for anyone as it helps you to track your daily food intake.  We talked about this before but since then I think they have added some more cool options.  One of them is the fact that you can scan a food item with your smartphone and it will automatically tell you the caloric content. 

There are a lot of different ways you can go as far as resources for Nutrition help.  Some are very good and some not so good.  One main thing with any “program’ is to find something that you will adhere to.  I am not so sure if there is one “best” program overall.  The main thing is get started, and if you find a resource like or weight watchers and you will utilize it, then do it!!

NUTRITION IS VITAL for optimum health.  Whatever you do dont “overwhelm” yourself.  Start somewhere and stay consistent.


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