Be a kid! Find yourself a Mud Pit!!

This is JP from probably 3 years ago.  As you can tell he was having some serious fun in the mud.  I dont know if you can read his shirt but it says ‘Get Dirty”.  So he took it to heart.  I remember that day and it really doesnt seem that long ago.  Anyway, good stuff!

This makes me think about us adults.  When we “grow up” we sometimes forget to “have fun” and that is a shame.  Yes I realize that growing up means more responsibility and more “thinking about others”, but at the same time it does not mean we have to be ole fuddy duds.  And there is something about just “letting go” and having fun that brings joy and peace.  And of course we all need that.  So go find yourself a mud pit this weekend, or something that you would normally say no to, and the whole time thinking in the back of your head “hey I would have done that when i was younger.”  Now dont go out and do something stupid of course and get arrested or hurt!  Hah Hah!  You know what I mean here.  I want you to let your guard down and HAVE FUN!  Dont think about the mess you mite have to clean up or how you mite look, just do it.  Seize the moment.  Be spontaneous.  Whatever!  Just go and have some good ole F-U-N!

**I am very interested to possibly get some reports back on Monday to see what you actually did to have fun and how it went.  I expect some good ones!



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