We were designed to be Thankful and Givers!!

David Ben insisted that I take his picture with his puppy dog in front of some of the Christmas decorations we put out this weekend.  Cool pic there!

The boys love decorating for holidays and especially for Christmas.  They have been asking so much that LeAnne decided to go ahead and put some out early and they just keep asking for more more more!!  They get all into it.  ANd it is so awesome to see them “get the meaning” of Christmas as they have already started giving each other and me and LeAnne gifts.  Of course they love the idea of getting gifts too at that Christmas time, but to see them so into GIVING is exciting for a parent. 

Make sure and ‘PUT YOURSELF” into the spirit of Giving and Thanksgiving.  Of course this week is Thanksgiving and for most of us the Christmas season has already started or will start after Thanksgiving Day.  Choose to focus on BEING THANKFUL AND GIVING during this whole week and thru this whole Season.  God designed us to Be Thankful people and to be Givers.  When we are so focused on ourselves that we are not thankful and we are not Giving, then that is when things can really get side ways in our health and lives.  So CHOOSE TO BE A GIVER.  CHOOSE TO BE THANKFUL!!!



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