This is a great pic of Joshua Paul in his “crash helmet” and riding in his little toy car here at God-Built.  This has to be from 3+ years ago.  Everytime i see this one i laugh!!  It is amazing how much he has grown up already.  Good stuff!  Daddy sure loves his little boys!!

I just wanted today to remind you of something very important and very true:  IT ONLY TAKES A LITTLE TIME TO EFFECTIVELY WORKOUT!!  My experience is that most people believe that for a workout program to be effective it is going to require a lot of time on their part.  And this is absolutely not the case.  While yes it is true that spending a lot of time “working out” can produce great benefits, it is not required.  I have talked about this many many times over the years and there is tons of research out there backing this up, yet still I see that most people still fall prey to the old myth that you have to workout at least “20 minutes” or longer in order for it to be any good.  This is just very very far from the truth. 

5 Minutes per day.  10 minutes per day.  12 minutes per day.  7 minutes per day.  Any of these “short” workouts can produce great results.  And this is especially if they are done using the “most effective” exercises and at HIGH INTENSITY.  Now remember, my definition of High Intensity for our clients simply means you pushing yourself, UNDER CONTROL, at a level that is challenging for you.   These short workouts done 3-5 times per week can produce great results, especially when you add in Nutrition improvements. 

Here is the main challenge though:  DO YOU BELIEVE THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU?!  I have discussed this for years with our clients, thru emails and on  What I have found though even with all the research supporting this, most people dont seem to believe it.  I guess it is just the case that if you have been led to believe something for so many years, then it is hard to believe something else, especially when that something else seems TO GOOD TO BE TRUE.  Many people already have at least a “base idea” of what they think is going to be required for them to change their health for the better.  ANd my experience has been that this base idea is that it is a “huge task” that they will face when they do choose to take control of their health.  This idea for many can be overwhelming, so they are defeated from the beginning.

Look, yes taking control of your health is just like taking control of any other area of your life.  It can be challenging.  And for some it may be a much bigger task.  But usually it is no where near as big a task as many make it out to be in their head.  If you want to take control of your health then one of the first things to do is make sure and “think” and “see” the process as something that is not going to be so overwhelming or so BIG.  Dont start off defeated.  And knowing, BELIEVING, in your heart that short high intensity workouts done several times a week can and will produce great results over time is one big way to NOT get into the wrong mindset concerning taking control of your health.


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