Mamma’s Impact!!

MAMMA!!!  This is a pic of me, Mamma, and my brother.  Mamma is one of my favorite people in the whole world.  Man what a blessing she has been in my life.  I sure love my Mamma.  

Mamma is a walking testimony of being a giver, being Thankful, and always putting others first.  She has “walked the walk” for as long as I have known her, and I am sure for her whole life.  She is a prime example of “good people” and a Godly woman.  I have never known Mamma to be selfish.  And that is rare. 

My Mamma is someone we all can learn from.  She is someone that it would be great to look up to.  She is someone who has lived a life full of giving and being Thankful.  And her life has been full of blessings.  Yes she has seen her share of hardships and trajedy, but she refuses to let those things stop her from being the true woman of God she was designed to be.  The world truly is a better place because of Mamma.  If we could wrap up Mamma and her life and someone infuse it into people’s heads and hearts, I believe it would impact them and help to bring about change. 

Let’s me and you learn from Mamma and just choose to be GIVERS and choose to BE THANKFUL.  Let’s choose to put our faith in HIM who gave us life and life more abundantly thru JESUS CHRIST!! 


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