The Chair. The Story. Be Inspired

Now this is a super cool pic to me for several reasons: This was our camp fire New Year’s Eve; You can see the sparks flying up off the fire; The Chair in the background.  The reason why the chair in the background is the best part of this pic to me is because a great friend of mine hand made this for me.  ANd on top of that he and his dad built this chair, plus several others, specially for several of his friends.  This is a very special chair to me and I love to use it when we have camp fires at the house.  This chair was extra special to me on this night because my friend’s dad recently went on to heaven so I made sure to make it an intricate part of the pic for you to see.  Good stuff!

My friend who made this chair for me with his dad has been a big influence in my life.  He is literally one of those who “would give you the shirt off his back.”  He is always putting others first, and he did no different in the last long days of his dad.  Long story short, he went way above and beyond to make sure he did everything he could do for his dad over the last year + because his dad couldnt do for himself.  Anyway that is encouragement and true inspiration for me and you.  It is always better for us to Give, and better for us to do for others.  ANd remember it doesnt have to be something that we think of as “big”, but it is usually just in the little things that actually are the “biggest” things. 

So again, be inspired by “the chair”.  Be inspired By God to help others, to be a blessing to them!


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