He said “daddy these boots are killing me!”!!

Here is Joshua Paul “barefoot” running!!  Check out that Stride!!  This was the same day we were at the creek this past weekend.  When we left he wanted to run home so I let him.  Once we hit the street he said “dad these boots are killing me!”  Of course I said “son we dont let anything “kill” us.”  Then his response was “yeh your right, these boots are really hurting my feet.” 

I was shocked he said that (killing me) because he has never heard us say that.  I know it is a very common thing that most people say, but I am big believer in the “Power of your Words”, and I dont let our boys say things like that.  Anyway, he heard it somewhere and it just came right out.  This reinforces what we already know about how easy it is to be influenced by other people and our surroundings.  It is so important to watch what we allow to come into our eyes and ears.  It all can have a huge impact. 

Of course we can not stop all negativity from coming to us, but we can choose what we do with it.  And one way to choose correctly is to choose our Words wisely.  This is huge.  Make sure if you are working towards progressing in any area of your health and life, that you speak positively concerning those efforts and the results you desire.  Otherwise, if you dont, you are just “shooting yourself in the foot.”  And we all know that aint good!


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