Here is the 1 thing I do know for sure:!!!

dbbday4Here is David Ben at his 4th Birthday party this weekend.  He is all into Lightening McQueen and so you can see the huge “race track” cake!!  It was a great time to be had by all. 

I surely dont know everything, and the more I learn, the more I see that I have to learn.  In all this though, here is one for sure thing I do know:  GOD LOVES YOU AND ME!!  ANd this in and of itself sums it all up.  Any ability that me and you have to overcome and win in this life on any level has everything to do with HIS Love for us!!  ANd that is Great News! 

In everything you do I encourage you to remember that 1 main thing:  HE loves you so much, and even to the point that He willingly gave up His only Son to be ridiculed,  beaten, humiliated, and murdered.  ANd again He did all this just for you.  Now that is something great to think upon at all times in your life. 


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