Focus on the right thing!!

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Here are some great pics of our morning SCT group working out.  They consistently work hard and it pays off for them.

Remember this: Anyone can work hard in the beginning, but what are you going to do when the “promise” or “goal” is delayed?  This is a tuff one for all of us sometimes.  It is quite easy to get motivated and get our emotions high on the positive side in the beginning of any challenge in life.  It is just like a football game.  Both teams and all the players are usually very hiped up, excited, and ready to literally give it their all in the beginning of the game.  If it is a very competitive and hard fought game then the question becomes: Who is gonna be willing to continue to fight hard when it gets extremely tough physically and mentally in the 3rd and 4th quarters.  We talk with our athletes about this all the time.  We tell them their competition is working hard and going to be raring to go just like they are., but the difference many times simply comes down to who is going to be willing to keep control of their mind and use their mind to literally steer their performance at a high level no matter how tired they are physically, no matter what they “feel” like, and no matter the “negative” thoughts of fatigue, defeat, and pain they feel and experience.  This is totally like most any challenge we face in life.

In life it usually does come down to who is willing to continue to push thru the hard times, and keep EXPECTING no matter what the circumstances look like, no matter what they feel like, no matter how many thoughts of defeat and loss go thru their minds, and no matter how long it is taking.  The people who truly see consistent success in their health and lives are the ones who will no give up or give in just because of physical mental and emotional pain.  They learn how to deal with it, and how to turn it around, the whole time knowing that they are going to see the results they want.  And it doesnt mean they dont go thru a lot of trials, they just have learned how to “deal” with the trials and how to rightly “see” the trials.  To them the trials are minor and temporary and it is not their focus.  My experience in my own life and coaching others is that the ones who dont reach their goals are the ones who allow the “troubles” and “trials” to become their focus.  Once you do this, it is nearly impossible to accomplish your goals because your “goal” is no longer your focus, so you lose FAITH.  So dont do it!  Dont allow the trials you may be going thru to be your Focus.  The AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH, JESUS CHRIST, Is your Focus.  ANd your ability that He has given you to literally overcome and reach your goals is Real and 100% able to cause you to accomplish your goals.  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT’!!\









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