Manage?? Stress, or Throw Stress Away!

treegarfieldThis is one cool, and huge, tree down on the farm in Garfield.  Also if you notice, that is the front of the Ford 3000 there in the bottom of the pic.  I was riding around on the little Ford checking out some of the farm and come up on this old, old tree.  I have seen this one of course all my life, but actually forget how cool it is until I see it again. 

I sent out thru email last week our month topic for March: Stress.  So sorry I was late on getting that out.  Ariele, one of our awesome trainers, had it ready for me the very first of March and I just slap forgot to send it out.  Anyway, she did a great job with it and summarized some of the harmful effects of stress and some simple yet powerful ways to combat stress in our lives. 

Remember that STRESS literally kills.  I believe just like most people that eating the wrong foods and too much food promotes poor physical health.  Also, not MOVING or Exercising can lead to poor health.  Those are important parts of the whole “health pie” to consider and work on, but I believe that STRESS plays a bigger role in our physical health.  I believe that Stress is a much bigger factor when it comes to health, therefore I believe we have to recognize this and be very PROACTIVE against Stress.  Stress literally causes certain hormone releases, and a little bit of this can be ok, but for most people they have a constant release of these hormones so the effects become very physically damaging.  It is a viscous cycle and the body literally gets attacked and harmed on a daily basis because of Stress. 

Now I realize that none of us can stop Stress from coming.  We absolutely can stop that Stress from “stressing us out.”  See we have been empowered by God Himself to literally “not have to stress or worry”.  And of course this is a daily battle but too one that we can and should win.  Stress comes from thoughts.  It is all ‘FEAR BASED.  And it is mostly “what if this” what if that”?!  IT ALL IS BASED ON THOUGHTS.  Yes I realize that there are “real life” situations we deal with, but again we do not have to stress about them.  We can face and handle any situation in confidence and no fear.  But in order to do this we have to “know who we Are IN Christ”!, and the power we have over thoughts and emotions! 

Again it is not about being perfect, but yes it is about taking authority in your health and life and taking control.  And dont just “dance” around this issue, but realize the literal death in your physical body that fear and Stress brings.  know that thru Jesus you can and will overcome any fear first by knowing who you Are In HIM, by choosing to take control of your thoughts, then speaking His Word over your health and life.  ANd that is it.  You do have a choice, and you absolutely DO NOT have to worry and live in Stress!! 


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