HAPPY EASTER! Walk in what HE did already for you!

jpeasterstoryHAPPY EASTER WEEKEND!  I know you have already seen this picture cause I just couldnt wait to send it to you.  Now here I am posting it for you again because I couldnt come up with a better picture for Easter Weekend!  Just like Joshua Paul illustrated in his drawing, Jesus died for you, and now He is Risen, Alive, and seated at the Right Hand of the Father.  ANd one of the most wonderful things about that is that you and me and seated right there with Him!  It is true, 100%!

Have a great weekend this weekend.  Of course the main thing as always, and especially this weekend is to remember HIM.  Remember that He literally took your place and took on all the following just for you so you can walk with HIM in The Victory: Sickness, Disease, depression, poverty, guilt, shame, condemnation.  HE did take it on for you, so that you do not have to carry any of it yourself.  Yes these things may come your way, but as you remember HIM and what HE literally 100% did for you, you can choose to get out from under those things as you walk in HIS Victory that HE Won for you!!  HAPPY EASTER.  CELEBRATE THE DEATH, BURIAL, AND FULL RESSURECTION!! 


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