And Again I say: WORDS, they R Powerful

dbbeachwagonCheck out David Ben taking a ride at the beach from about 2 years ago.  Cool dude right there I tell you! 

Here is a Truth that you have heard many times I am sure, and you and I need to hear it many more times:

THERE IS LIFE AND DEATH IN THE POWER OF (YOUR) TONGUE!  This truth is TRUE for you and your life.  With your tongue you are literally speaking Death or Life every time you speak words.  Overtime those words produce fruit, good or bad.  And guess what?  No one but you chooses that.  What comes out of your mouth is totally up to you.  The more you realize and accept this truth the more you will be inspired to utilize it as a Principle and Tool from God that He designed so that you can literally produce Great Fruit in your own Health and Life with your Words.  It is an awesome Weapon that He has given you.  All of us use it everyday, our tongue, it is just sad though that many times, people are constantly speaking “death” over their health and lives. 

Be very aware and know that your Words are powerful, particularly as it concerns your own health and life.  And yes they are powerful too as they are spoken to others, but the most important is how it affects you.  Make sure of course to speak well to others, constantly encouraging them, but also dont forget that you have the literaly POWER in your own tongue to literally speak LIFE into your health and life!!


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