God is your Provider. And it helps to have friends along the way!

daddynboystubeMe and the boys on the Lake yesterday getting ready for a big Tube ride!  We had a blast celebrating Memorial Day.  Joshua Paul, 7 years old now,  said the blessing before our meal.  Man you should have heard him. We of course had been talking the day before and that morning and giving God thanks for our Freedom and all the men, women, and families that have sacrificed for our great Freedom, but we didnt mention that when we asked him to say the blessing over the food.  He commenced to say the most awesome, thoughtful, and sincere prayer mentioning all that and more.  It was oh so powerful.  It was real and straight from his heart.  Make a daddy so Pleased!!

Also yesterday a few of my friends and I got together in the morning and did a pretty big workout.  At least it was pretty big to me! 

Here is the workout: 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 1 mile run.  All done in that order.  This is actually one of many workouts that many people do as what they call a “Hero” workout in order to honor men and or women that have served and died while serving for our great country, USA.  Well it seemed fitting enough for me to do something in honor of them. 

While I was pretty pumped about doing it in that honor, at the same time I knew this would be extremely tough for me.  First I knew it was going to take close to an hour and the majority of my workouts are less than 10 minutes.  The longest ones, which are very rare, are almost never more than 20 minutes.  Second if you know me you know “i aint no runner”, at least not with distance.  It has actually been probably more than 12+ years since I have run 1 mile, and this workout called for me to do that 2 times!  Next I have never done 300 squats before in 1 workout in my life.  All this to say I knew this was going to be a huge challenge for me.  But instead of talking myself out of it I decided to face the challenge and do it.  Now I like a challenge and even though I truly despise distance running ( i realize that 1 mile really isnt that far to most but to me it is) I decided to not back down from it. 

Now long story short we all finished the workout and for me it took about 53 minutes.  I was very pleased to have finished it in under an hour.  I am very pleased to know that I stuck to it and went ahead and did it.  There was one main factor though that probably played the biggest role in me actually sticking through with my original plan of actually completing the workout: My Friends being there with me.  Thanks a bunch rj, ss, and jw!!

Now as you probably know about me I am big believer that you cant count on others and put of the responsibility on others for you health and life prosperity.  If you do you are setting yourself up for failure.  God is your provider and your empowerer!!  He is the one who causes you to triumph and overcome ALWAYS, and thru Jesus Christ.  ANd that is just it!!  One thing that is also true is that when you have friends join with you and help you along the way it is great.  So I encourage you to first Be That Friend that helps another to accomplish their goals.  And trust God to bring good Friends along the way for you to help to encourage and hold you accountable.  Remember as always: YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW!!



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