Read these Truths, and Have a Blessed Day

backyardcamp5This pic of me and Joshua Paul “camping out” is from about 2 years ago.  Me and the boys are having a “camp out” tonite so this pic seemed very appropriate for today.  ANd the lantern is an old “Coleman” that a good good buddy of mine gave me.  Cool stuff, I know!

Read these TRUTHS and have a great day.  If you dont believe it, check the Scripture reference for yourself.  Well you should actually always check out Scriptural references for yourself.  Do it!  You are BLESSED:

In Jesus you have been Justified.  Romans 3:24

In Jesus you Reign In Life.  Rom. 5:17

In HIM you are Free from the law of sin and death.  Rom. 8:2

In HIM you have NO Condemnation.  Rom. 8:1

In HIM you are more than a conqueror. Rom. 8:37

In HIM you have complete Righteousness.  1 Corin. 1:30

In HIM all God’s promises are YES and Amen (so be it!) to you.  2 Corin. 1:20


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