Why in the world do we do what we know we should not do?! Or vice versa.

boyshdepot1Here are the boys with their “Lucy car” they built at the home depot kids work shop last saturday.  We have been to some of these “build” work shops at lowes and home depot.  The boys love it and they have some pretty cool stuff they build.  Pretty smart companies I say. 

I was thinking today about something that we all deal with: Why in the world do we “not do” the things we know we should?  Also why do we do the things we know we should not do?  Now there can be different good answers to these questions.  And to know the “right” answer/s can be life changing.  I am studying on this right now.  I have before, but I need a refresher. 

See, we all deal with this fact in one or more areas of our lives.  IN health I hear it all the time: “I know I should, or should not, do this, but… .”  And in my own life I find myself sometimes doing the same thing.  So I believe all of us need help in this area.  

I want to hear from you.  I want to hear what you think on this subject.  Why do you think you dont do the things you know you should do, and or why you do you do the things you know you should not do?  Make a comment on this post and I am very interested to see the wisdom we can gather.  As you choose to think on this and comment, you may just help yourself to reveal a key in overcoming this.  ANd you also may just help many others too!  Get on it dog’on it!


4 responses to “Why in the world do we do what we know we should not do?! Or vice versa.”

  1. For me, it’s about cause & effect. The things with obvious and immediate cause & effect (good or bad) seem to be more motivating (or deterring) than long term, esoteric, outcomes that may or may not happen. For example, I really want to go downstairs and eat chocolate chips and peanut butter right now. If I do it, I will have immediate pleasure. The notion of my expanding waistline is really hard to correlate with such a benign act, so it doesn’t always deter me as it should. Just a quick thought…good question! 🙂

    • thanks for that reply Hope. Yes I will be discussing this more over the next day or so. Was checking out your site and info more today. Good stuff on eating and putting HIM first in it! LIke it a lot. kj

  2. KJ,

    I know you already know the answer to this question, but i will throw my two cents into this, because you asked. I will try to keep it short and sweet and not get on my “soap box”.

    All this is addressed in Romans by the Apostle Paul. If “one” truly believes everything in The Word; than it is easily concluded that all areas of The Word apply to each and every one of us, in one way or the other. It is up to that person and God (only), to determine how it applies.

    Evidence of your topic lies in Romans 3 beginning in verses 9-12. Paul writes (Paraphrasing), There is none righteous, all have turned away, there is not one who does good.

    If this applies to all, then one would have to take into consideration Romans 7 verses 14-25. Paul writes about being a wretched man. (21) “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. (22) For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; (23) but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. (24) What a wretched man I am!…” Now he goes on to say who delivers him and that is Jesus Christ.

    This can be applied to us all. It is the nature and the reminiscence of the spiritual battle that constantly goes on for each and everyone of our souls. It is deceitfulness that is the major tool (tactic) being used here, by the evil one. So now in full circle, this can be applied to fitness, diet, addiction, idolatry or any other area in our life that, “we do what we do not want to do”

    The only solution to this is Jesus, and the prayer of deliverance from the stronghold, which ever stronghold applies to each one of our lives.

    The measure of a man is not how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up.

    Sorry, kept it short as i could. Embro

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