I am Blessed! The Favor of God aint fair, but it is available!!

kjlj40bdayMan what a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN!!  This is from my 40th Birthday.  Man I am blessed to have such an amazing, beautiful, smart, WISE, Sexy, and true Proverbs 31 Woman as my wife and the mother of my boys!!  It is not fair, but like they say: THE FAVOR OF GOD aint fair!! 

ON that subject, The Favor of God, it is so true that His Favor is not fair.  At the same time, it is real and available to me and you, and to anyone who WILL ACCEPT it!!  I accept it and am sooooooo very Grateful for it.  I realize I did not do and can not do anything to Earn His Favor, but just because I am His son and He Loves ME, then I get to walk in and live in HIS Favor!!  Thank God for it and I never expect to be without it.  I am so blessed!!!

And you too are Blessed.  His Blessing, His Favor, and His Love for you are real and no you can not do anything to earn it.  Yes you can have it and it is yours to literally Reciever or TAKE as your own.  His Love for you and His Favor for you are truth, but you will not experience it and LIVE IT out in your life until you BELIEVE IT AND RECIEVE IT (TAKE IT).  Yeh Baby.  Take it as yours and live it out everyday!!


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