Changing our “workout” Name. Please help!

wout1Check out some of our clients working out hard here at God-Built!  Ye Baby, they are truly GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!

We are going to change the “name” of our group workouts!  When we first started implementing HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT) into our workout program back in 2001 or 2002, we basically made a fast Transition to that style of training being our main focus as far as Exercise with our clients.  The main reason we did this was because we saw that this style of training “fit the bill” for what we wanted to accomplish with our clients.  We always strived to increase our clients overall health which included improvements in physical health: cardio endurance, strength, mobility/flexibility, agility, coordination, power, and balance.  And we knew that we had limited time to do this.  So we learned from others, mostly at that time Juan Carlos Santana, how to most effectively and effeciently do this in the time frame we had.  As I have said before, we always did some form of high intensity interval training from the start of God-Built and in my years of training and coaching people since 1996, but this was not our main way of training our clients.  So we made the switch way back then simply out of NEED.  We Needed to help our clients the best way we could and HIIT fit the bill. 

Now in the beginning of this Transition for God-Built and our Exercise program, we mainly did “Circuit” type workouts.  We basically would set up circuits going around our workout room/area with 4+ different exercises.  We always had lots of variety with the Exercises and the time intervals.  Again though, the “circuit style” High INtensity Training was what we did mostly.  Now going on 12+ years of doing High Intensity Interval Training, we have “evolved” and made some changes over the last several years.  Now the standard “circuit” style does not make up the majority of our workouts.  Yes we still add in good ole ‘circuits”, but we also use many other different styles and modes.  All this to say, our Group Workout program name, SUPER CIRCUIT TRAINING, does not really correctly represent our program. 

Going forward we are going to change the name of our Group Workout program.  I am letting you know this for a couple of different reasons.  #1 just because I like to keep you updated with God-Built.  #2 I want your help to come up with the best name.  **Now please do not get offended if we do not use your suggestion.  We welcome all serious suggestions, and will take them into consideration. 

Here are a few we have considered so far:

GOD-BUILT – (yes just God-Built!)

God-Built FIT 

God-Built SuperFit

God-Built BootCamp


I do not know when we will officially make the name change, but it is coming.  Now this will not change anything as far as our actual workouts.  We just think it best to have a name for our program that better fits and or describes the workout. 

So please if you have a good suggestion, respond or reply


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