Future Georgia Bulldog works out at GOD-BUILT!

woutjakeCheck out Future Georgia Bulldog Jake Edwards right there in the pic!  Jake is going through one of our Performance Obstacles for Sports Performance improvements.  We had the privilege to work with Jake some over the last 2 years and help him with his Speed, Agility, Quickness, Coordination, and overall Athletic Mobility.  Jake is committed to play football with Georgia this coming fall, and maybe already officially “signed” since today is National Signing Day for high school seniors!  He is a great kid, and has truly worked hard for a long time to be able to get where he is.

The pic of Jake looks a little “wild” since it is an action shot and taken with my phone, but make sure and go back to the home page and see his VIDEO on the right side: “Georgia Bulldog Jake Edwards”.  You will get to watch him blast through this obstacle course!  Good stuff!

Jake has worked his butt off over the last several years in order to be able to perform the way he has on the football field.  One thing too, and truly the most important thing that has allowed him to become such a great football player and now having the opportunity to play for the National Powerhouse DAWGS is the Truth that God has blessed him with much talent and size.  And this Truth is what we discuss with Jake and all our athletes: No matter how good you are or become, every ounce of talent you have, and the ability to “bring” that talent out, comes only from HIM!  And we constantly remind our athletes to be thankful to HIM for blessing them with the Ability.  

Being THANKFUL in your life is such a KEY for your success and walking out God’s Best for YOU in your health and every other area of life.  One thing just upfront is that when you are not thankful then that means you are choosing to focus on negative.  When you are not being thankful it is almost guaranteed that you are focused on what you dont have and or how bad things are.  It is so hard, and maybe impossible to focus on negative things like that when you are truly being THANKFUL!  And it is just something that happens on the INSIDE of you when you are Thankful.  You can literally change your whole health and life around by simply CHOOSING to Be THANKFUL on a constant basis.  

I encourage you to BE THANKFUL today.  Be thankful for what HE has put on the inside of you.  2-3 years ago Big Jake could not see and did experience all his “talent” and “ability” that God had gifted him with, but that did not stop him from doing his best and BELIEVING that there was more inside.  Now he is seeing the fruits of his labor and just starting to Realize the POWER and athleticsm that God has gifted him with.  And of course he will see more and more in the future.  And you too may not be able to see all the POWER God has put inside of you already thru Christ Jesus, but it is in there.  Do NOT wait until you see it and or experience it to Believe it.  Believe it NOW and BE THANKFUL TO HIM for it NOW!!


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