FIND your Better Health and LIFE! It aint far away!

woutgroup1Check out another pic from a group God-Built Workout.  Our Clients were performing PUSHUP SHOULDER STANDS.  If you will notice on the right there is a little girl that joined us during this exercise and she is doing some awesome Pushup Shoulder Stands!  Good stuff!

This morning one of my clients was sharing with me about the Upmost Importance of ACKNOWLEDGING GOD’S GRACE IN OUR LIVES.  His GRACE is basically His LOVE, His Empowerment, and His Favor to and for us.  As we discuss a lot here on and during our Workouts with our on site clients, we believe it is very important to BE THANKFUL to God Almighty and to CHOOSE to Acknowledge His Blessing, His Love, His Favor in our lives!  There is just something about Being Thankful and Choosing to Recognize His Favor in our health and lives that amplifies His Goodness in our lives.  Now I dont necessarily think that when we Choose to Be Thankful it “causes” God to pour out more Blessing on us.  I believe that HE has already poured it ALL out on us thru Jesus Christ.  And when we start Acknowledging it by Choosing to conscious of it and Being Thankful for it, it opens up the door for THE MORE to come to be in our health and lives.  

As we Choose to Be Thankful and Acknowledge HIS GRACE and Favor in our health and lives, we are making a conscious effort with our WORDS AND THOUGHTS to think and to speak what The Word tells us is already inside of us and totally Available for us.  As you know, what we think on and speak about is what shows up in our lives. 

Choose to BE THANKFUL.  Choose to make an Effort to Acknowledge God’s Favor in your health and life.  I dont care how much adversity you may be going through, the best thing you can do is get your focus off the negative and get it on the Good.  And even if it may seem tiny and insignificant, just start focusing on that “Good”.  Choose to think on that and speak on that.  Choose to Give God credit for that Good.  And what will happen is you will start to recognize other Good that He has already provided for you.  ANd you will start to see even More Good show up in your health and life.  Choose!


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