Another RECIPE for Improved Health! Set Your EVENT

teamGBcompetitionCheck out this very cool pic of Team God-Built at a workout competition last weekend!  They said it was a tough competition and they worked hard and did their best! 

I was watching all these guys and noticed for the last few weeks they had really picked up their time and focus on Exercising.  They of course were being a little more focused on working out because they had this competition / Event coming up and they wanted to do well at it.  So they spent a little more time focusing in on specific skills, increasing their performance capacity, and kept great Consistency.  You know, this seems like a good RECIPE for Increased Performance / Health!

Taking a lesson from “Team God-Built”, in this case the 4 horsemen in the pic, can benefit you and me in our endeavors to improve our health.  Find an Event that you can use as a challenge and goal with a date.  If you cant find one, make one up yourself.  Increase your Focus and Consistency towards meeting your goals and doing your best for the Event.  Once you “follow through” with the Event, step back and see where you are at, then set you another goal and come up with another EVENT to give you something more “short term” to shoot towards.

Now of course you dont have to follow this advice in order to improve your health, but for some, and you may be one of those some, this is the best way to keep yourself Motivated and Consistent!


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