2 workouts for the Weekend
1. Movement Stretches x 8 each
70/100 1 arm overhead Walking Lunge (half rt arm, half left arm)
2. 15 squats, 15 pushups, 15 sit ups, 20 shoulder stands
50 db/bb Clean Squat Press for fastest time
I have posted this pic before of Big Dave and Sam going at it with some alternate 1 arm Lunge n Press. This is an awesome pic and a great testament to the fact that anyone at any AGE and any level of Fitness can do GOD-BUILT! We have a big range of AGES in our SuperFit group workouts. Take Sam and Dave for instance: Sam is under 21 and Dave is over 50. For the record yes Big Dave is a few years older than 50 but he still can give all the younger guys all they want, and then sum!
Of course we also have many youth in our Game Shape and Sports Performance programs. With our Personal Training we work with young kids and have adults in their 70’s. So see no matter your age, you can do GOD-BUILT! Let us help you. If you do not live close enough to our facility you can still find a great source for health coaching, And still stay tuned into godbuilt.com for “life” coaching.
God loves you and so do we. You can take control of your health and life and God-Built can help! He Baby!
Your Health, Your Life, Your Choice. Godbless u, kj