HAPPY 14 YRS TO KJ n LJ – my awesome marriage

Me and LeAnne May 2, 1998!!!  What a beautiful woman!! 








Friends and neighbors

14 years ago today, me and my BEAUTIFUL WIFE LeAnne got married.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY WIFE!!  Man what a truly awesome 14 years we have had.  I was sitting back today and recollecting the past 14 years and how literally awesome our marriage has been.  Looking back, we of course have had our arguments and such, but we have truly not had any “rough” times in our marriage.  We have had some “rough” times in our lives, but there truly was never a time where our marriage was in any way compromised or threatened.  from the beginning it actually has just always seemed what I referred to this morning as “easy.”  Now i know that it really has only been that way because we made a decision in our hearts and our minds that to be and stay married was the only option.  And then of course the biggie in all this is the truth that we established, and continue to keep our marriage established on the ROCK, Jesus Christ.  And we work at our marriage.  And many times, if not most, our “working on our marriage” simply is in the form of loving, appreciating, and serving the other.  Of course we are not perfect at this, but thru Him we have done pretty good with this.  

One of the many things I have learned about marriage is that it is not at all like the old saying: Marriage is give and take.  I do not agree with that at all, and this is not at all scriptural.  Marriage, according to the Bible, is all: GIVE.  I believe a marriage that is based on “give and take” is very vulnerable.  At some point one person is going to feel like they are giving more than the other.  If you base your marriage on scripture, then you GIVE.  And with this you cant go wrong.  The great thing about this too is that as you focus on just GIving, you end up getting back in return way more than you gave.  And in that is a life lesson.  Be a giver. 

i know in our marriage I have been very selfish at some times.  ANd I sure aint got it all figured out yet, but I constantly remind myself to be a Giver in our marriage.  I am sure LeAnne is reading this and saying “yeh I hope he reads this over and over”, and yes honey I am re reading this now, being reminded that my role as a husband is “to GIVE and Serve you as Christ serves the church (us).”  “I love you my sweet Baby and I still cant hardly believe how blessed of a marriage we have had for these wonderful 14 years.  I know God has that plus much more for us in all our years to come.” 

I encourage you to be a Giver in your relationships, whether it be a friendship, marriage, or as an employee.  You can not fail when you are Giving with the right heart.  God sees it, and He promises to reward you for it.  Thank you for reading this as me and LeAnne celebrate 14 wonderfulyears of a  blessed, “easy”, and ever growing marriage.  ANd oh yeh, my wife was beautiful then, but 14 years later she is even more beautiful, sexy, and SMOKIN’ HOT!!!


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