Is it as hard as it SEEMS?!

This is a very cool pic that one of my good ole buddies took from a camping trip.  2 Classic Jeep CJ’s and some very cool paddles.  I just thought you mite like this pic, especially if you like camping of any sort.

You know this just as well as I do: Anything worth having is going to take some time and some effort.  But of course, the PAY OFF makes it all worth it.  I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about having kids.  I told him that having kids is very “different” as compared to life without kids.  I went through all the “different” things that come with having kids, and how it can be very challenging and always takes effort.  Then i went on to make sure to tell him that different doesnt mean “bad” or negative, it is just different.  And it all has to do with what you want.  See to me, the “different” that my kids brought into my life is not something that I see as a burden.  Yes it is a challenge sometimes, but it is all worth it.  I know that I am helping to bring up 2 powerful warriors for the Kingdom of God.  I know that they are and will ever more so be Givers for this world, always focusing on helping others.  And that makes it worth it all.  Yes of course it is very enjoyable during the “journey” at many times, and it is also very hard sometimes.  I dont focus on it being tough or taking so much time and effort.  It is just part of what I do now and it is something I am thankful for.  And so it is in anything we want to be successful at in our health and lives.  It is going to take effort and time, but of course it is all worth it because of the payoff.  But one thing that is very important to remember is that dont wait until the “payoff” day, make sure and enjoy the journey during the whole process.  Dont see the process as a big burden that “you just have to endure” while you are waiting on the reward.  This is one main reason why people dont get to the reward.  THey “SEE” the process as a burden and the burden grows and grows, in their minds, until it becomes more than they think they can handle.  So dont get caught up in this.  You can achieve God’s best in your healht and your life, yes it is going to take time and effort, yes it is going to be challenging many times, but SO WHAT?!!  You can because of CHRIST  who has already made you the WINNER!!


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