We talk a lot about the fact that it usually only takes doing a few simple things consistently to make big changes in your health and life. Well I am going to challenge you to do something. Take any area of your life that you want to see improvements in and just make 1 simple change and do that thing daily. Here are some examples for Health:
Exercise- Do 1 thing to get moving each day such as: do 10 squats and 10 pushups; walk for 5 minutes; stretch for 3 minutes. (these are for anyone who is not already involved in exercise)
Nutrition- Do 1 of the following things each day: Drink water only; Eat no fast food; eat no refined grains; cut your sugar intake in half.
Thoughts and Words- Do 1 of the following each day: think positive about your health improving; say words of encouragement to yourself; Say what His Word says about you and nothing else (healed, made righteous, strong, powerful, no fear, have the mind of Christ; no condemnation)
Again, I challenge you to do just 1 of these simple things daily and just see what kind of results you get!