Big Ole CHRISTMAS!! The Best Yet!

Man oh man what a wonderful Christmas we had.  Here is a pic of Joshua Paul in the Christmas play at church this past Sunday.  he did a great job and it was his first play! 

I told the boys for many days before Christmas that we were going to have “the best Christmas yet!”  Then I would say “you know how we are going to have the best Christmas yet?”  And of course they would say “how Daddy?”  So I would tell them that we were going to MAKE IT The Best Christmas yet!!  And you know what, I am not 100% sure that it was the best Christmas yet, but I am about 99.9% sure of it!! 

We did have a big time.  It was very very busy.  We always start on Christmas Adam (for those who dont already know, that is the day before Christmas Eve).  We have 1 Christmas that day.  We have 2 Christmas’ on Christmas Eve.  Then we have 4 Christmas’ down in Garfield on Christmas Day.  Yes it is a whole lot, but I do really enjoy it all.  We get to see a whole lot of family and the boys have a blast of course.

This I know could seem like a big ole burden and it would be easy to just say that we were going to calm it all down for our immediate family and just stay here.  But we choose not to do that.  We choose to make it a great time and make it a joy for our family.  I love Christmas time and I love giving.  I am so thankful for all the my God and my family have done and do for me. 

Choose to Finish this year off strong.  Choose to finish this year off on an extremely positive note.  And of course choose to make this next year coming, 2013, the Best Yet.  And keep enjoying these last Christmas holidays!!


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