Get the Inflammation out!!

Here is a great pic of the boys and Lucy at a creek in our neighborhood this weekend.  We went “exploring” and had a big time. 

As I mentioned last week our topic for this month is INFLAMMATION.  I have a “handout” ready for you today on this topic.  I have some up here at God-Built and I also will either add it to our site as an “article” or I will just attach it for you on an email.  Either way I want you to get this and read thru it.  This is a very important topic for anyone wanting to improve their health. 

On this info sheet I have for you I discuss briefly the dangers of Inflammation, some foods that trigger Inflammation, some foods that help to fight off Inflammation, and other lifestylye choices that trigger Inflammation.  So make sure and get this and read thru it.  Again though this is a brief and general info sheet.  For more info, search back through our past posts on Inflammation, and be looking for more posts coming this month on Inflammation. 

Have a great week.  Expect to have a Great Week.  Make this week a GREAT WEEK!!


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