Little Boy and a Chicken – Keeping with it No matter what

jpchicknliteI took the boys to see some chickens again the other day.  They love it!  this is a pic of Joshua Paul holding up a very sick chicken into the sunlight.  He saw the chicken, and it was literally “as good as dead” as far as it looked.  ANyway Joshua Paul picked it up, starting praying for it, got it some sunlight, some water and starting literally speaking “LIFE” into the bird.  It was awesome to watch how the bird literally progressed and was literally coming back to life.  The more my little man Spoke life into that chicken and loved on it, and gave it natural things, the more we saw life come to it.  It was awesome.  Now this whole process went on for about 20 minutes.  We were needing to go but I let him keep it up.  And this taught me something very important!: Sometimes we just get in too big a hurry and miss our blessing.

See Joshua Paul put his faith on seeing that little bird be healed.  He stayed with it.  I was actually kind of worried because I was thinking we mite have to end up taking the little chick home with us, but he never asked.  And really, this bird was on his last breath.  He was starting to kind of “blend in” to the chicken litter on the ground.  But my little man looked right past that and just knew in his heart that he wanted to help that chick.  He was patient.  He kept praying for the bird and SPEAKING life over him, while also doing the natural things (supernatural really because God designed the ‘natural things”) to help the bird.  And man it really was amazing to see that bird rrespond when it looked like there was no hope for it. 

See we have to have patience in our life and choose to NOT STOP BELIEVING for the Promised Blessing of God in our health and lives.  Just like with this little chick we have to willing to keep THANKING God for being a Good Daddy and answering our prayers, make sure our WORDS ARE LINING UP with what we are Expecting to see in our health and lives, No matter what things may look like.  And also continue to do the “natural” things that we are led to do that will help to carry us forward. 

I encourage you to think about this and if you have “dropped” something and given up in any area of your life that you “wish” you would not have, then just literally pick right back up where you left off and GO AT IT AGAIN.  This time though, make sure you choose right now Up Front that you will not back down, you will continue to Thank God already for answering your prayers, SPEAK LIFE over that situation continually, and NEVER EVER GIVE UP, knowing the whole time that it is YOURS!!



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