If you are feeling this dirty, it mite be time for a Cleanse

jpmudEver feel on the inside like Joshua Paul looks on the outside: Dirty?  Well if you do then you might be due for a CLEANSE!!  And I thought this picture was quite appropriate for the occasion.  This is JP when he was about 3-4 years old.  Just some good ole fun in the mud!! 

ANyway back to our topic on Cleansing.  Read this article by Kendra on Cleansing.  It is very good and worth reading, as WHY CLEANSE is our topic for February.  Check it out:


  The beginning of a new year inspires people to renew themselves. They make new goals which involve exercising more and eating healthier. Why? In order to lose weight, look and feel better, and have more energy.  These resolutions may mean that people start a new workout program or embark on a new eating regimen in an effort to become healthier and fitter. Recently more and more people have considered cleansing. Some questions frequently asked when one considers cleansing are; Why cleanse?; What are the benefits of cleansing?; How should I cleanse and for how long?  These are questions that we would like to answer to help you achieve successful results.

 Why cleanse? 

Cleansing is a way of “detoxifying the body”. The goal is to rid the body of unhealthy toxins which may inhibit weight loss and zap energy levels.  A lot of food today has hidden additives and preservatives which carry toxins causing our bodies after a period of time to become fatigued, bloated, and not able to control our appetites. Some of these hidden additives and preservatives have addictive properties which can cause us to crave certain foods which are not necessarily good for us.  Cleansing can rid our bodies of these hidden toxins thereby allowing us to engage in healthier behaviors which will increase our energy and overall level of health on a daily basis.

 Your body has its own internal detoxification system which can be greatly aided in functioning more efficiently and effectively through a proper external cleansing program.

Here is a brief look at the three critical organs which can benefit the most.

 The Liver: Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver, which acts like a filter in preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing into your blood stream.

The Colon: This organ has bacteria that produce both healthy and unhealthy chemicals. You want to keep your colon flowing regularly since its main role is to flush out toxic chemicals before they can do you any harm.  

The Kidneys: Like clockwork, the kidneys are constantly filtering your blood and getting rid of toxins in the form of urine.

Though we have an internal system, we should assist it with proper foods.

How long should I cleanse?

 This is up to you taking into account your resolve and experience in cleansing.  You can detox for 3 days, a week, 10 days, a month, what is important is choosing a regimen you can stick with. If you are new to cleansing or have not cleansed very often perhaps a 3 day program would be one suitable for you.  You can progress in time.  Once again the point is to engage in a plan which you can carry out and be successful.

 What will my diet look like as I cleanse?

 At God Built we recommend fruits, veggies, and *pure natural spring (from a trusted source) or filtered/distilled water for the time that you are cleansing. You can juice your fruits and vegetables or make smoothies out of them. Do not use store bought juices or smoothie mixes.  You can find many juicing and smoothie recipes on the internet. Cut out soft drinks, sweet teas, sugars, meats, dairies, nuts and grains.  Remember this is just for a short period of time as you start on a new cleansing program. The body can handle it, though it may scream like a two year old, just ignore it.  After a while the body’s voice will calm down and realize “hey, this isn’t so bad…I actually feel better!  Soon enough after that third day you will notice a flatter stomach, increased energy, and now you are on your way to achieving your goals. I have seen that when people start a 3 day program they often decide to go for a full week and not because I told them to! They choose to extend the period on their own because they see that they are making better food choices, that they can control their food intake, and and it gives them an exhilarating sense of empowerment.  HEY< I CAN DO THIS!

As you learn ascendency over your food and make healthier lifestyle choices you will look at food in a different way… you are the one in control of food and food does not have control over you.                       Kendra Turner


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