Say it Again! WORDS = POWER

jpgolf jpicecreamMe and Joshua Paul had a “special” day with each other on saturday.  We had our first time together on the driving range then went for icecream afterwards!!  It was pretty special stuff!  He did good on the driving range and can actually hit the ball pretty well for a 7 yr old.  Check out that “form” in the pic, and yeh his “ice cream eating form” is good too!!  Anyway, we had a big time and it was good to take him out.  I look forward to many more of these daddy son outings with both of the boys over the years to come.

God has me studying on the “prophetic word” here recently.  As I was reading and praying about this, God spoke into my heart to see what “Jesus had to say about prophecy and the prophetic Word.”  As I was studying this morning I noticed that Jesus spoke prophetically in many situations.  He spoke forth a lot concerning what was to come concerning His life and His mission here on this earth.  When He called people “healed” he didnt say it because he could actually see it in the natural.  He spoke the prophetic Word in order to “call it into existence.”  He knew the power of His Words, particularly when His Words were the Words of the Father.  And remember Jesus was and Is the “Word of God.”

See we have to remember that the Truth tells us many times that our Words are extremely powerful, and actually they carry life and death with them.  So every time you speak you are speaking literal life or death over your life and your future.  Man this is so KEY for you to see.  And remember whether you believe it or not, it is still true and it still impacts your life one way or the other.  This is not some “mystical” stuff here.  This is truth that God Himself created to be.  And He made it this way so that we can use our Words, His Words, to create and produce “LIFE”  in our health and lives, and in the lives of others.

Do not discount the power of your words.  Either way you will reap a harvest from your words, good or bad.  And it is your and my choice what words come out of our mouths.  We can choose to say what He says about our health and lives and our futures, or we can say what the current circumstances are saying or what “past experience” has told us.  His Word is truth and it is full of His Promises to us of a GOOD AND PROSPEROUS life.  But if we dont say what He says, therefore choosing to Believe and Expect what He says, then we will not see His best in our health and lives.

Please remember that when I talk about this I in no way am saying that you and me will not face adversity.  We all have and will face adversity.  That is just life, and there is no way around it.  And it is not that I “welcome” adverstiy, I just know that it will come, so I say “So what?!”.  It can not be a determining factor in our health and lives as far as seeing our goals, His Best for us, accomplished in our lives.  So yes we will face adversity but that has nothing to do with our Father and His best for us.  Yes we have to face the adversity, but thru Jesus Christ we have already won.  We, you and me, have every tool made available to us, actually residing inside of us, in order to Win in every area of our lives!!  GET ON IT DOG’ON IT!


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